otasune….. erhm

1687 13171

Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?

8 50

“Maybe we should take a trip to Jupiter…”

12 62

[ / ] just two guys!!

29 75

cropped wip regarding that otasune redraw, since i don't think i'll be getting much art done before i finish this ... bleh

3 31

I'm still upset that otasune didn't win the poll. But in reality, they keep winning 🙏

25 84

they were baby otasunes btw. if you care

21 144

"Hal and Dave, that's a good one."

we fought the good fight, fellas

45 156

I have this as a standee on my otasune shelf :)

0 3

good work on the fans

[ this was an old copic drawing made for a friend!!! Still the favorite one I have done ]

2 9

More old otasune for today <3

7 34