when ur urge to draw overrides your urge to sleep so otasune slips from ur mouse

9 28

I'll post it here, too! approached me with a CUTE AF idea for an Otasune cover for the zine so I couldn't resist doing it LOL!

21 40

has anyone else seen that “original” BL manga that was literally just published otasune fanfiction. like the author didn't pretend it wasn't

52 83


68 132

otasune commission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u for buying!!!!!!!!

125 250

Hello, my dudes! I did some fluffy cheesy MGS pics on Valentines Day for you! Part №1

11 42

leaked otasune wedding footage from the scrapped mgs4 sequel

18 73

Hi let’s just say I think these 2 are cute
Okay bye

2 10

couple more otasunes from the olden days ... feelin mushy

196 376

me every day of my damn life: otasune and sunny are a family 🎃

187 304

the only bed worth sleeping’s
the one right next to you

124 243

It's been 50 years since I last drew anything but have some otasune because I wanted t-dick Dave

37 83

Here's the mockup for the final charm! The bg jupiter is a picture but I plan on painting it myself and using that instead. (im curious if anyone would be interested in actually getting one...)
[#mgs ]

11 29

Sometimes a family can be 2 guys and 50 dogs
[#mgs ]
Merry Christmas! I needed to make a full christmasy drawing not just the sketch I did before.

3 8

aldizkariak 100 urte bete ditu!! Hori ospatzeko zenbaki berezia kaleratu dute eta neri eskatu didate azaleko marrazkia egitea. Hemen duzue bere osotasunean ;-)

2 9

these lads can hold so much love in 'em

103 166

║ 𝙿𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚢 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚜. ║

77 122

teaching baby sunny to swim ⛱

179 400