con una luna che ingentilisce anche
un panorama selvaggio e deserto,
illanguidendo l'oscurità con sfumature lavanda.

Laurence Sisson (1928–2015)
Blue heron, Lavender moon

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"Jadzia Dax, Deep Space 9, digital art airbrush art panorama liminal light dust sci-fi tetradic colors contrasting colors action painting" - made with



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Tried to put that one legendary childhood drawing into prompts, but found these instead.
Can't say I'm disappointed, though 😲

(prompt - Panorama, scenery, mountain, sunrise, grass, road, ricefield, bird)

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quando si corre tutto il giorno, la miglior cura,
la sera, è fermarsi e guardare il cielo...
non necessariamente un panorama romantico, ma solo il cielo e le stelle.

Jean François Millet (1814-1875)
Notte stellata

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Hero & Heroine 3D! Panorama Big Battle
from the September 1993 issue of Tanoshii Youchien

ヒーロー・ヒロイン とびだす! パノラマだいけっせん

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Winners of the 2022 Epson International Pano Awards Highlights the Wide Beauty of Our World. showcases our world in an elongated format, to impressive effect. https://t.co/L17cYV0hck

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🗣️MASH ライブ情報🎸

3ヶ月連続開催 第2弾🤡

📯 10/6(木) 下北沢BASEMENTBAR
Panorama Panama Town ( ) × BASEMENTBAR ( ) pre.
「Basement Junction」
w / peanut butters / pavilion

OPEN 19:00
START 19:30


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‼️‼️NOVEDADES para el 15 de Noviembre. Destacados:
-Shigahime. B6. 9,95€ 🚩Nueva licencia.
- Qué difícil es el amor para un otaku. Antología. A5. 9,95€
-La extraña isla Panorama. A5 flexibook. 19,95€
-Maestro del Terror. Junji Ito. A5 flexibook 27,95€

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Panorama from Lonely Sky Collection on foundation
0.1 $ETH

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🗣️MASH ライブ情報🎸

3ヶ月連続開催 第2弾🤡

📯 10/6(木) 下北沢BASEMENTBAR
Panorama Panama Town ( ) × BASEMENTBAR ( ) pre.
「Basement Junction」
w / peanut butters / pavilion

OPEN 19:00
START 19:30


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Now open at the Davis... Māori artist Lisa Reihana’s visually stunning and conceptually provocative digital panorama, 𝘐𝘯 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘶𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘶𝘴 [𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥]. Plan your visit: https://t.co/VyFl9sk2kc

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“The eye should learn to listen before it looks.”
— Robert Frank


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The extant ‘Panorama of Garibaldi’ is 273’ long, a double-sided watercolour & one of the longest 'Panorama' paintings in the world.

One of its massive sections pictured below. Thanks to Proust in the Cinema for suggesting its inclusion. https://t.co/YyOoVjBKp1

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Envie de se mettre au vert en cette fin de semaine ? Ecoutez nos podcasts, dans le panorama "se mettre au vert" vous pourrez suivre la nymphe du printemps ou observer une chasse à courre comme si vous y étiez !
🎧https://t.co/ndFs3MIr0i ou https://t.co/Yd8IaTXTL0

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SOOO gue akan cosplay Mori Panorama ( day 1 ) sm Mori visual 2021 ( day 2 ) buat cf—

yg mau meetup, nanti ada bingkisan sm sticker yg di kanan design nya ( iya anak soara, tapi dpt nya cuma sebiji dan random ya, ga 1 set /yh ). sampai bertemu pas cf www 😌

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