Some Owl House meets Phineas and Ferb art. Gave Candace her rabbit she had for one episode and Stacy a golden sheep because she had a Mary costume once… she’s so underused in the show I couldn’t find anything else

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The Smart Race 🏁

I take my time to do this one, and I think, I miss some more characters to add, but still, I really like how I made it ☺️

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Not a fan of the heat. Or the cold. But right now, the heat 🥵

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This is what *real* mothering looks like! 🥚🦆🦫

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Stop doing something, do the non-reaction 😑😴🛋️

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I had a nice day catching up with IRL friends, for a change ☺️😎☀️⛱️

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You can't imagine how many times I've gotten the Medic!Doofenshmirtz in my DMs. It was only a matter of time until I drew it

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Summer Confusion 😵‍💫😵‍💫😅
Hahahahaha. They have not died. They just enjoy their vacation.🫠😁😁

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Various phineas & milo Murphy’s drawings and sketches from March, pt.2

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Various phineas and ferb/milo Murphy’s law drawings & sketches from March, pt.1

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I was supposed to do more Married Phinabella stuff but you know didn’t for various reasons

Did do this tho so you all get something at least

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