Every time I see Citrus play Pikmin 3, my imagination wants to turn the yellow wollywog into a bus.

19 118

YOOOO FRISK ALPH LETS GOOOOO lmao and this was unintentional. I just wanted to give him a flying pikmin design

5 36

i was like what if olimar and alph interacted lmao and drew this shit
i am so sorry i had to draw it

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【PIKMIN2】The Fight Against Slugs (🍓 σ,, ᴗ,,σ)っ/ Retrogame fairy#8

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I'm watching a let's play of Pikmin 2 and we learn that purple pikmin and white pikmin cuddle when they sleep and so I had to draw everyone sleeping. Well except for rock pikmin. He's just happy to be there.

20 76

Pikmin Bloom looks so cute!!!! I cannot wait to walk around with them all :-)

7 13

Wow I can't believe my favorite game series is turning 20

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Happy 20th Birthday Pikmin, my heart will always go to you for being such an amazing series :)

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