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143 1030

I wish they weren’t limited to parodying Pixar films so that we could have gotten posters like this https://t.co/EeY7J6ef30

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It’s Annie from It’s Pony meeting Giulia from Luca! Yesterday’s also World Redhead Day, so it’s also a celebration of two of my favorite redheads! Someone on DA asked me to draw them together nearly two years and I keep…>>>

12 48

Dad’s seem to have two sides-
1- Loving + encouraging parent
2-Intimidating + plotting to murder the boyfriend-

8 48

hannah murray starring in nightwing animation pixar style, beautiful, detailed symmetrical close up portrait, intricate complexity, in the style of artgerm and kazuki tanahashi, magic the gathering, star wars art

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Lofi smiling portrait in Pixar style by Tristan Eaton Stanley Artgerm and Tom Bagshaw

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I made Ember’s button 🥹🔥#elemental 🔥

7 35

Mei Lee and Miriam as easter eggs playing with paint 🥚🖌

14 41