
Jalter Arcuied sprite edit, but it's somewhat of the funny sweater.

10 35

I am continually overwhelmed by the support y'all give me. Thank you SO much for all the raids and EVERYTHING in last night's stream. I am humbled, as always.

We wrapped up 's Fur Fighter early this morning! I hope you like it. :D

14 89

This is my submission to the ! I haven't had the time to add animation, unfortunately, but I'll add some in the coming days c:

Big big thanks to and for their help on this one!

10 80

aha! you though i was done doing Spritesey stuff?..

You guessed wrong!
Spritesey emotes!..

2 2

HERC'S ADVENTURES - Saturn, 1997, Lucas Arts. Hades ha secuestrado a Perséfone y Zeus, rey de los dioses, le solicita a Hércules que la rescate

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My latest artwork. from series

Made him cause the design is pretty cool imo, especially the pose. And beside from that, to do some shading practices. And I really love how it turns out. Maybe one of the best I've done so far

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Tobias for ! Thank you!!✨
been a while since I did pixel art, was fun doing this piece!

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Sprite commission for , of their Misty Braixen character and sharing a birthday hug

This was a relaxing experience to get back into the swing of things, enjoy it!

3 17

💕✨Have a good day frens ✨ 💕what your fav girl - 1 or 2 ?

8 15

yeah, i think i'm ready to call this one done :) so here you go, another landscape thing! please enjoy and let me know what you think

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多尔比克 伯恩(音译)狼印2原创人物。2018年曾被怒之铁拳4的美术重新画过并命名为boss fur

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