Pokecember days 8 & 9: favorite flying and ghost type!

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Another late one for Day Eight: Bug. Buggies. B u g.

You cannot make me choose a favorite. I'll never be tired of drawing edgy Scizor or gooby Paras.

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Too tired to color tonight but today's Pokecember was really fun, I love cute buggies!! I'll finish in the morning 🧡

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Día 7

Favorito de tipo Fantasma:

Por alguna razón me parece muy cool, se me ocurren un montón de motes chidos para éste poke ✨

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E hoje nas aventuras em Paldea 🍊...
Não é original da nona geração, mas está lá e é o meu pokémon venenoso favorito da vida. O Salandit macho todo safado roubando minhas berries!!!

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Día 6

Favorito de tipo Tierra:

Se ve muy intimidante y todo, pero las marcas con forma de gafas de sol lo hacen ver muy bonito XD 💖

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Yesterday and today in one convenient package! Definitely not because I'm still on holiday or anything like that, nope not me, no sirree. Ground and Ghost for

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Pokecember days 6 & 7: favorite fighting and fire types!

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Pokecember tipo fantasma favorito

Oricorio me encanta en todas sus formas, pero la forma refinada es pura elegancia <3

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Dia 7 do e pro tipo lutador temos meu inicial favorito dessa geração o extravagante do Quaquaval

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leaf dino leaf dino leaf dino 🍃🍃
pokécember day six is bayleef (my *actual* grass type fave is a different starter... gonna draw it on a different day).

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Dia 6 do e para o tipo gelo fiz o Cetitan que é um daqueles pokemon que assim que vi no trailer sabia que eu iria usar no time hahaha

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Day 3, Flying & Day 4, Poison

I was going to draw a new Pokemon for 4 but it was not coming out how I liked, so Roserade it is

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Day Five: Rock Type

Me as I was wrapping this picture up: Oh right the prompt was rock.

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Pokecember day 5: favorite fairy type

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Pokecember Tipo roca favorito

Lo que nadie esperaba... pero si, Cradily es mi tipo roca favorito, solo, miren que bonito es <3

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Dia 5 - Tipo Elétrico Favorito

O segundo integrante fixo do meu time dos sonhos desde que apareceu lá atrás em Johto.
Ampharos é o reizinho da segunda geração, e o rei dos elétricos.
Quem discorda tá maluco =p

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And my for today! Aron sometimes has little tantrums and makes himself a stompy crater. Instead of unintelligible steel screeches, I like to imagine he's making a 'Weh! >:C' sound

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