What do you mean "They´re fighti- are you kidding me!?

16 71

When you get absorbed, but are still conscious.

1 24

My favorite scene from Finding Nemo

8 31

Mean Supreme Human Hunting Machine!!!

3 22

Reasons to not screw with my ´Ew

9 42

Don´t move or I´ll use him!

18 54

self portrait - tried 2 make me look pretty but i think i overdid it asdfdfsdsds

9 25

And a Fletchling. I´m getting better at drawing wings :)

1 7

Here's a warm-up drawing i did of Marcus in Kingdom Smash form.

0 4

Es un placer dibujar a una más joven ., Después de terminar este arco créanme hay muchas aventuras que vivió en esta etapa con su tepig y antes de conocer a su otro Pokémon

0 3