
thinking about how promare boy is kamina but with beautiful kyoani style eyes lmao

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i had to guess on his outfit but i'm so WEAK

4 13

Road to
She’s already best girl of 2019!
Thank you for your excellent work ❤️

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I'm so excited for Hiroyuki Imaishi's new film, I had to doodle something. So here's a Galo!

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drew these a few days ago but then i got caught up in moving and star impacts launch. the promare trailer makes me wanna rewatch kill la kill. id love to draw her kamui form more. try to simplify it down and make it more economical. its kinda a pain as is heheh.

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The newest slime episode had a new ed animation and oh BOY did this character catch my eye in a heavy way

If this and promare are anything to go by, all you've gotta do is include a small toothy colourful gremlin in your piece of media and i am *all* over it

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「宇宙パトロールルル子」 → 「リトルウィッチアカデミア」 → 「SSSS.GRIDMAN」 → 「PROMARE」

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Studio TRIGGER's () upcoming feature film Promare received an all-new trailer today highlighting the film's release date and two new characters:


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Can't wait to see aniki Kamina in the movie releasing soon
I always wanted a big bro like Kamina when I was little

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Promare, la nouvelle production signée par Hiroyuki Imaishi s’attaque au cinéma, une première pour le studio TRIGGER qui engage ses équipes vers de nouveau sommet en mai 2019. Le film signe également une nouvelle collaboration avec le scénariste Kazuki Nakajima (Gurren Lagann)

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PROMARE, le premier long-métrage de (en coproduction avec XFlag) réunit à nouveau Hiroyuki IMAISHI (今石洋之) et Kazuki NAKASHIMA (中島かずき) – à l'origine de Gurren Lagann ou encore Kill la Kill – et arrivera dans les salles obscures nippones le 24 mai prochain.

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Свеженький разворот с героями оригинального полнометражного фильма «Promare» от студии Trigger

В кинотеатрах Японии с 24-го мая

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Just realized that 2019 is filled with anime movies and it has a strong line-up too. I'm really looking forward to these 4

天気の子 (Weathering with You)
海獣の子供 (Children of the Sea)

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映画 公開記念🔥前夜祭舞台挨拶上映会🔥🔥🔥の当落だったことを忘れていました…もう当たらないよ…無理無理…と思いながらメールチェック…あたあたあたあたってる…😦

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