FINALLY An accurate of myself 8l fck yee <3 :F Dont be jelly of my craptastic skills

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f69YtItGW85umeNNaCOiiqV_ une petite pause de temps en retemps ça fait du bien !

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I got a new wig and I am in love! I want to dye my hair this color 💕

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Ración de realidad. Mañana me va a costar horrores volver a la rutina.

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Come in for hair yummy enough to eat!!🍭🍭🍭 done by Kelsey!

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Je suis une aubergine.💜👾
Hair by the talented miss holliday_j @ IG !!💀🌼✨

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Another bust sketch. Wnat one? $10 for no bg $20 for bg paypal only

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