삼각두 언더붑에 크리스마스를 억지로 끼워넣은…

20 107

Commission for , thank you for making me draw this sexy Pyramid Head in Weskers clothing! Unfortunately, it seems to be a bit tight for him in, cough, multiple areas..
(Including stylish sunglasses)

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Doodle I did of Pyramid Head and Michael Myers swapping knives 🔪

6 42

As always, 's work is worth the wait. This is their take of the iconic first clash between James and Pyramid Head. Thanks again for your work 💖💪

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🔺🔺🔺I think the Keeper and Pyramid Head would get along nicely..

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I never shared finished Pyramid head!! A very nice triangle man 🔺🔪🥰

4 30

Completely forgot to post this lil guy I did a while back :3

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