when your only contribution to the round is pinging an enemy once and then you get killed while looking at your phone

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Это хоть не совсем эро-арт... Но фантазии у меня хватило на то, чтобы нарисовать ТВИЧ С МИШКОЙ ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ✨🌸

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❌Splinter Cell
✅Rainbow6 Siege
—Sam who fishes

1 11

Decided to do more and since Iana is my favorite girl. Here she is.

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Doodle of two of my fave ops 😌

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caveira 친구 부탁으로 도트 찍었다가 아마도 거절당한 카베이라와 심심해서 재미로 찍은 카베이라

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