Hey Rajang, could you faint twice every hunt you’re involved in? Thx.

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Inktober Challenge 2022
DAY(s)24: Rajang
ริคาโด้ ราจังงงง

3 7

I beat Rajang and got a new armor set. Life is good :)

1 18

Rajang just strikes me as set in his ways old man so he would probably just punch me in the f**king face. That said he punches everyone in the f**king face so I'd chalk that up to him being a hyper violent progressive.

1 17

Sometimes I like Rajang, and sometimes I hate it. https://t.co/vfuR2MHFvF

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Threat Level 8★ - Kushala Daora, Chameleos, Teostra, Malzeno, Shagaru Magala, Rajang, Bazelgeuse, Apex Arzuros, Apex Rathian

3 47

Zinogre/Lunagaron 🐺, Bulldrome 🐗, and Rajang/Garangolm 🦍

49 677

2nd Generation of MH - Variants (特殊個体)

1. Rusted Kushala Daora (錆びたクシャルダオラ)
2. Furious Rajang (激昂したラージャン)

5 122

Here are some preview videos that show off some of the HC Monsters.

HC Bulldrome - https://t.co/Zp2OvNNqwE
HC Kirin - https://t.co/baFcfg8nxF
HC Rajang - https://t.co/WWGivyfUDl
HC Kushala Daora - https://t.co/ByrOwwyVUN
HC Rusted Kushala Daora - https://t.co/StavyfZ392

1 36

Hey , I like the nightmare-fuel Nergigante skin Blanka had in V, but how about taking the electrified ape aesthetic to the next level in 6? Rajang's been keeping a healthy fear & respect for the Blanka Ball alive since 2006 & more importantly I'd pay money for it.

1 37

He was once grabbed and thrown at a tree by a Rajang (From the Monster Hunter Franchise) and only suffered bruising on his bones after, but had to take it easy after his back started to hurt afterwards.

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Monster Hunter World is trending so heres some art! Updated a Kushala drawing a bit plus serious handler and my boi Rajang!

3 5

>Lives literally everywhere, poles to tropics

>Top of the food chain, bullies other apex predators for fun

>Large mammal, nearly 30 feet in length

>Can only be killed by humans

Guys, I think Killer Whales might be the Rajang of real life...

1 8

I love your gijinka designs, and its difficult to pick just one. Your recent work has been really good! I also really love this piece; it feels super relatable as a hunter who fears double-Rajang quests 😭

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Ik I’ve been gone but I’m still here y’all here’s a drawing of rajang from monster hunter ⚡️

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