AI art generator - "Gary Lineker as Rambo"

...I'm not sure what I was expecting. 😬

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Team Member of the Week!🐑

is a Rambo Sheep obsessed with tech and gaming who likes to play a bunch of variety games like Yakuza, RDR2 and all sorts of indie games!! Check them at

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Rambo ate a Smurf and things got weird.

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El es Rambo, un osito que tiene una única misión, y es proteger a su dueño, a toda costa

Ilustrado: io :D

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(Framboiloulou and Cathy)

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The Patreon's got all sorts of cool shit! We've still a Jojo-themed art poll going and we just uploaded a brand new original piece!! PLEASE GO SEE IT EARLY!

Patreon dot com/DoctorGrambo

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Could life stop hitting me so much ne??? Life is confusing me with Rambo??

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Client wanted a rambo war horse taur in a Frazetta style comp. I feel like I'm delivering.

I guess the real question is, Do I add the woman clothed in scraps clinging to a leg? /s


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Rambo-kittan por como la historia esta divida en dos ambas son dibertidas de leer y pasa un buen rato en el México furro.
Espero a ver con que historia sale en el siguiente número.

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When it rains, it pours. This time it's in a good way. Thanks to over in I won another Haramboiz. Absolutely insane luck in the past 24hrs.

Thanks again, Quilt!

6 21

On discord (link will be in comments)
We are having a rumble for this sick by
We are trying to get a glorious battle and have some awards for if you kill or I in Rumble Combat.

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Rambo hare, now who drew first blood you said!!
minting on the 4th and 5th of march on
Only a whopping 555 hbar with a supply of 1111 hares.
Will you join this hare and the revharelution?

10 18

I'm the proud owner of Alex Rigel’s very cool riff of Sly Stallone from RAMBO III. It's my Twitter Icon for the week.

This is my 3rd piece from Alex. I hope it’s not my last.

Thanks to and . They know why.

1 12

Congratulations on selling out the Haramboiz, !

This is a blatant attempt to piggyback off your success.

In celebration I am giving away this Haramboi to one lucky winner!

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Winner will be announced in 24h!

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Couldn't pick just 1 fav to share, so here's my top 4 pulls (by project: )🤌😉💚

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