RAYLLUM ART ON SALE at SOCIETY6. Links are to art prints, but available as multiple products!

Rayllum - Fur: https://t.co/bUfSiTOk7L
Rayllum - Tree: https://t.co/HGT8i9l2fp
Rayllum - Winter Photo: https://t.co/LKNJEiYMx7

7 33

半月前にあげたrayllumを再掲させてくれ〜〜二人にはhappy hugをしてほしいんじゃあ〜〜〜〜😭

4 19

I have a Rayllum one shots book in Wattpad, go read it...#TheDragonPrince

1 4

tehehehehehe, i got this idea from a overwatch comic :3

6 28

Rayllum dance au :3 im just saying these 2 dancing together is what i would like for

3 6

“What if in Elf Culture, they bump horns as a display of affection? Rayla sometimes subconsciously forgets her companions dont have horns and just bonks Callum on the top or side of his head.”

15 84

“Whatcha drawing?”

Happy Valentine’s Day! Did this for the TDP Valentine Exchange on tumblr for baitsberry. It’s the first real piece I did with my iPad so it was fun!


12 43

Relax im making more fan fic rn my fellow Rayllum shipers UwU

16 79

THERE THIS'S CRAP BUT I TRIED, the redraw of the Rayllum screenshot

3 14

they way Callum is the first one to throw his arms around Rayla and the way they tighten their arms around each other and Rayla burying her face on his shoulder I—

28 127

:3 *add aesthetic title here*

5 22

Love my flustered kids💖

101 321

Someone help this poor elf child to express her feelings...

169 586

Made a book cover for a friend! <3

3 13

fighting this mini art block with rayllum 💪💖i love these cuties sm

48 140