Just a reminder of RE4R with Leon and Ada together in a beautiful Co-Op survival story with good relationship building.

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Reminder how cool RE4R would be with Leon & Ada together in a cooperative campaign. The beauty of Leon & Ada building a strong relationship and deep feelings for each other as they survive together for a really good blockbuster game. 😌

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Me too I was planning to get PS5 when RE4R released but it's postponed so I will get when FF16 or Plague Tale released 😁

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VGC: M-Two’s role on RE4’s remake has been significantly reduced. Disagreements: Capcom wanted more changes, M-Two prefers a more 1:1 remake

Capcom’s Division 1 has taken over the project

RE4R is being partially rebooted now and slated for 2023


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You are Welcome Bro 🤗🥰, let's hope to see Jill in RE9 or New Game, RE2R Team are working in a new game as Dusk said Will release in 2023, so maybe Revelation 3 or a spin off with Jill and Claire 😢🥺
In 2021 RE8 Chris and Ethan
In 2022 RE4R Leon
In 2023 ???

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How would you feel if they made Ada's tactical outfit her default look for RE4R?

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