画質 高画質

I just realized Blender 2.61 already includes Cycles GPU render -- it's definitely not Octane but looks interesting

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another ribonuclease render...this time...green :)

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45-minute lunch break illio. Still toying with different rendering styles.

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C53. test render. 1 second. very tired.

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Felt like rendering something differently than I usually do. This will be an 8x8 print and will be available soon.

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Kind of a rendering experiment for warm-up today.

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Another quick rendering experiment from earlier this morning. I'm starting to miss painting.

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Random lights, bad and dark render, but still Work In Progress!

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Today's warm up, kind of a rendering experiment.

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Practising rendering form on a tube journey to a life drawing class.

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Quiero que conozcan a mi hermano.... (es gay pero no quiere aceptarlo) TRENDER MAN

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Trenderman, salvando al mundo de los niños que creen en el "Swag" desde tiempos inmemorables..... Gracias, hermano!!...

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I don't like the render on it but its kinda progressing I guess.

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Drew these guys during the week, trying out a kind of fun rendering style.

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I was drawing, then I was coloring, THEN I was rendering, now I'm doing none of those things. Here's a SECRET WIP

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WIP for the next commission. I looove rendering trees!

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I hate rendering. Auggh.

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Just running a vector render test...

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Vado a prendere gli attrezzi. Stanotte coltiverò solo ubertosi... (Buonanotte)

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Some fall themed rendering this morning before walking with the dog. Let me know what you think please!?

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