

3 13

remake leon也挺关心你的 ,并且塞给你一条蝰蛇。

126 717

🚨 AGORA: Resident Evil: Death Island teve seu Blu-Ray e DVD colocados em pré-venda no Walmart nos EUA, que inclui a arte da caixa/cartaz oficial do filme e outros recursos especiais incluídos!

7 39

Así será la portada de las ediciones físicas de Death Island, ya se puede reservar en algunas tiendas online

33 137

when I imagined Ashley in sorority setting, she'd just dress up like Cher💛

87 416

...Now I realize that even though no one was in a hurry to go home and only made excuses to be in each other's company, one of us absolutely didn't care.

135 681

Sentinel! Leon/Guide! Ada
Feel like they are made for this AU😭🫴🏻

397 1911