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It's too dangerous to go alone, take this!

12 16

Been playing Mario's Cement Factory on 3DS. Wish I had the money/space to collect Game and Watch.

3 2

Chrono Trigger fan stuff! Loved this one growing up.

2 2

Check out this hard drive inside a controller!!

21 23

Is not a strong enough word!

Having some Sonic fun on the Retro Trio from today! RT

18 16

Unlucky Luigi maybe one day your mom will love you as much as Mario.

16 17

Are you looking forward to watch the HisCoool! Hard Girls on October?

6 2

En te hacen unas pegatinas que 'pa qué ¡El logo de queda de lujo! :D

2 3

Street Fighter Monopoly is now only £29.99 + 5% off with code: GYL here: http://t.co/kmhIw4P7tA

69 50