ZHONGLI!!!!!! though i ruined his supremacy....//hicks
Hope you guys got him when his banner come~♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ //shovesmoreZhongli

7 25

*puts head in hands* i just want them to be happy man

207 1224


14 72


552 2177

Mini where Azhdahas tree tail changes flowers with his mood ₍•͈ᴗ•͈₎🔶🔸✨

1653 5869

做成了PV的风格 本来近期很忙 但是🌋🔶实在太真了没忍住还是动了手

23 96

“Zhongli…is your name now?”

imagining something…


26 131

"That day in the chasm, did you hesitate?"

317 1425

Archaic Stone

Still brainrotting on the stone Retuo-gege gave and it became a bit rainbowish because of the lighting. Also finally got to draw a part of his archon form 👀

45 310

A pair of eyes, from Morax to Azhdaha.

1130 4445


684 2918

I can't draw big build man :') i'm sorry if this Azhdaha looks not-so-Azhdaha like in the game :')

12 65

どなたかが描いてた若陀龍王くんとおもしき人がとても好みだった… にはまれ…

32 154