Fusions: Charoite (bismuth+morg) Peach Beryl (corun+kunz) Peach Moonstone (corun+morg) Rhodochrosite (kunz+morg)

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7/13 of my panels for this comic are done and I really should finish it today but homework?

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Gems Sunstone and Carnelian (fusion with 's Rhodochrosite! / v \)

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light pink rhodochrosite with pyrite, quartz and sphalerite from trepca, kosovo, serbia

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rhodochrosite rosettes on quartz: balances and enhances love on all levels

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Rhodochrosite, aka if rocks could bloom roses.

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Rhodochrosite Misfire! Minerals are so fun to translate into Transformers characters.

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🌸Rhodochrosite & rhodochrosite rosettes on quartz😍😍💖 (I'm in 🌸💖)

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Pair of lovely rhodochrosite cabs matched for earrings. http://t.co/H8wNdJnFNe

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