I haven't kept up with all the news for the next FNAF, but I loved Roxanne from the minute I saw her. I hope her design doesn't change too much.

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Roxanne once again in for celebration, I'm still super happy that the trailer was finally release!

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Annnnnnd Roxanne!!! She is super pretty and I just love a wolf when I see one X3 It's always nice to see new characters like her and Monty.

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Para los interesados en la pequeña Roxanne de la tarjeta aqui esta.

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Man, hice este render y edit de roxanne bb.
Me encantó el resultado!
Usenlo en donde quieran.

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"Complementary Duo"

I choose to believe Freddy in Space 2 made this ship canon and nobody can tell me otherwise.

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'Lil Roxanne sketch. Used a slightly different style just for funsies

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Gift for
Twisted Wolf and Roxanne Wolf
I saw Roxanne's new room in one of their videos and I noticed that her room has a lesbian flag and decided to draw this.

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