Et de 3... la coupe du Monde approche ... Ecosse, France, Irlande et leurs capitaines

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Affiche Paris: Afrique du Sud / Irlande, la cdm approche à grand pas.

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Here is a quick Remy sketch request from my patreon. I do one sketch a week from a running list of patron requests. They range from hero bums to wrestlers, to rugby and there are usually lots of different versions for each drawing.

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J’ai commencé il y a quelques semaines une série de portraits de joueurs de rugby pour Force XV, qui remet le tirage au modèle distingué par les oscars du Midol. Voici le travail en N&B et en couleur. C’est un plaisir.

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On ajoute David Niniashvili à la liste des portraits oneline de joueurs oscarisés par . Bravo au joueur, au et merci à Force XV

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E se nada de ruim tivesse acontecido? Esta é uma outra realidade de Sangria -

Cássia, ela é capitã de um time de Rugby internacional, e é respeitada no mundo do esporte

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one of my favorite chapters from the book is when they visit howl's sister's house in the 80s wales.
and booty shorts that say welsh rugby <3

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Des créations Fait Main aux couleurs du drapeau français 🇫🇷🏉✊🇫🇷
✨Tout est dispo ici sur cette petite boutique >>

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rugby captain & head boy already screams power couple, but the fact that nick & charlie are canonically perceived to have "an air of power about them" is everything

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A few of my favourite illustrations from my second published book series. The king and the Martians. Knights and Martians play a rugby match to save the earth! Because that’s how my human brain works.

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Theres many 'sports on stamps' ...what would you like to see? swipe along to see more
Sport Centenaries, Marathon Runner stamp issued on 10-10-1980
Art size 2.5 x 3.5 inches

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現役トップ選手と学生がオンラインでつながるラグビーコミュニティ を4月より開始します 🏉


アカウントはこちら 👉

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Why do I like this dumb monkey so much
I do not like monkeys or football/rugby but I love this little guy
Actually he’s quite big and that’s one of the reasons I like him

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If you like my work, want to help support it, make sketch requests of your own and see the rest of this Rugby series in all it's glory, come check it out!#rugby

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