
The Genesis, no. 18 of 1533 NFTs

NFT Title : The ruler of day and night

Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:18 - And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. God saw that it was good.


0 8

tipToe.おなじみの「てぃっぷアクリルキーホルダーシリーズ fifthRuler.編」
3/19 tipToe.主催イベント「homeroom27」から1個500円で販売いたします。(ランダム販売となります)

23 84

1 the people who listen. 2 an interview granted by a ruler or person of high authority.

From Series A.

0 2

Bonus icon (don’t ask why the right side looks weird ibis pixel brush has a weird reaction to one of the ruler tools)

0 3

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Ruler - Lucifer

I Finally finished this guy's stuff
Diversity win! Satan is trans

3 7


イラスト出演者様▶︎▷@ HAISE_RULER

15 85

// spoiler

Rowena Weinberg, Ludwig Parvis' ex-wife and former duchess, called Ragibach, one of the 13 demon rulers in the demon world, to exact vengeance on those who had put her in this horrible situation +

42 460

A crown without it's ruler

(Spoilers for Magolor's Epilogue)

4 22

Zaiaku is basically the ruler of the underworld in the Kirby universe ❤️(I stole the title from dark Nebula)

9 50

Some more inspired art of the Reptoid Ruler. He's come to chew bubble gum and rule the world, and he's all out of bubble gum

0 3

Nice to meet you! I’m Kideath, vampire yandere and ruler of Deadric city!

0 1