I don't really plan of finishing this. Practicing my sketches to make them look nice so I can quickly draw

32 410

Fantastic apex stream today

13 162

Casually licking dorito dust 👅✌️

283 2712

Missed a week so tried lighting from memory to see what needs work

4 71

even though pose drawn with reference, oh god my brain...

3 57

Finanya is making it hard for me to resist.

Who knew I could fall for a... catfish (*´ω`*)

120 1421

WIP 2.
Desserts make great color schemes

29 515

Tonight's Dessert: Strawberry Chocolate Cake

120 788

Smug feesh
With what is just lotion, probably

17 99

I wanted to make a quick sketch of a tanline heart made from sunscreen before summer ended but got carried away

7 64