Acabaram de me mandar aqui no SakuZap que amanhã tem artigo falando sobre a produção de Jujutsu Kaisen 0 no site da Sakuga Brasil, acreditam?🤔

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Spy x Family x Hitman Reborn 🕵️🔫

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Jour 1 : Anya Forger
~35 minutes

Beaucoup de défauts mais flemme de corriger, j'ai tenté une colo à l'arrache

4 16

E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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Yang Xiao Long from RWBY

liked Ice Queendom, I had NO previous knowledge of RWBY, I knew it existed.

The fans did not like it that much, It was cool to me and the animation was impresive, some episodes are going to my list of best sakuga 100%

Will do some more fanart later

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押山清高(Kiyotaka Oshiyama)
Lupin the 3rd Part2#143
作画監督 北原健雄 丹内司
絵コンテ 青木悠三
原画 富沢信雄 丸山晃一 友永和秀 小林弥生
演出 𠮷田しげつぐ

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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Hoje foi noticiado que o lendário diretor de arte Shichiro Kobayashi (小林七郎) faleceu no dia 25 de agosto. Uma perda enorme para a indústria visto o quão único eram seus visuais. A Sakuga Brasil expressa as mais sinceras condolências á familiares e amigos do artista.

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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AGENT Λ (lambda)
I keep working on this project more by shaping out some somekey frames and new fresh designs

10 34

Once again really impressed by the way Toei adapted this chapter’s content. Nice animation highlights, pretty nice comedy, and felt very polished overall. Glad Page One got a bit of Sakuga before getting taken out like that. Regardless of the content I enjoyed it a lot 8/10

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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Animation i did for RiotGames, Fire Again researches ! Studio CRCR.

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Kishimoto + Tokuda hacen una combinación hermoso en estilo. A esto le sumamos las diversas escenas con mini sakuga y sakuga.

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