My entry for an art/card editing contest I'm in on Instagram! 😆
The theme is Loveless World, and I decided to do self love! (A deeper explanation of this drawing can be found on Insta/DeviantArt! ^^)
//Drawn with Paint Tool SAI, tablet

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"Lean on me" 🌸😈

I dunno if this is an unpopular opinion but I like these types of uniform more than sailor uniforms.

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Too lazy to shade, let's pretend this is a WIP... I really hope Dancer Kanan comes home

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Birthday fanart for Sakurauchi Riko when it was her birthday~
Drawn with paint tool sai, photoshop, tablet

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Anime: 桜内梨子 [Sakurauchi Riko]

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Anime: ウサウサ風船梨子シャイン

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