Poopy unfinished side stuff I'm doin,, sanemi is partially colorblind/sees things as a haze and when he sees serinumas opalescent eyes, he finds comfort in them (and also loses his shit when she loses one to that demon)

31 248

*ೃ shinazugawa sanemi; a thread ೃ*

251 639

Kimetsu no Yaiba Volume 17 Ft. Sanemi Shinazugawa

70 337

shinazugawa sanemi .... i have feelings for you

54 154

anyways... sanemi shinazugawa.. i have big heart eyes for u 😖💕💖

28 70

Sanemi Shinazugawa cosplay test run 🔪🍘🐕

0 11

Finished the Manga. Im not saying I love Sanemi, but I luuuuuuv Sanemi. Still learning the style,this drawing is HEAVILY referenced By ufotables designs.

5 35

Sanemi hydrates his eyes for the first time.

31 59

Originally I wanna go with curled Akita-like tail for Sanemi but then the short tail won bc imagine extremely happy dogs with short tail uwu (Plus he looks more badass with short tail imo lol)

3 25

“Sanemi” fingerpainted via Brushes Redux app with iPhone7+

1 1

Things that makes my heart fuwa fuwa ;

Sanemi playing with doggos

1 2

variant. i didnt like sanemis face in the first

9 52

sanemi: I’ll present to you the ugliness of what we call demons

the demon:

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