Behold clear's beautiful handwriting using a touchscreen...-Rayne

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Laughs awkwardly
Just opened my phone gallery in the middle of class and the last viewed picture was on the screen...

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Sting, The Orc Blade by Mark Lone / Facebook18″ X 36″ screen...

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Process from bus sketch to screen...

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on cell phone screen...

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His friends move to the other side of the screen... And leaving him alone... >.< (Poor sou-chan)...

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Playing the new Tomb Raider on a 120inch screen... not bad, not bad at all.

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When you're trying to work and your cat is all over the keyboard or chasing the cursor on the screen...#lovemycat

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That intimidating blank page...or screen...gets all of us every now and then. doodle...

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When you catch your reflection in the loading screen...

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When butt doesn't tell me we're going into competative but I see the rank-team screen...

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opens title screen.........communication error

ah well, at least something came out of that

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Somehow I don't think that was my sunscreen... Taking a look back at some
Year: 2014
Part 1:
Part 2:

67 289

Found a use for the notch on the iPhone screen...

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It is so hard to get the colors to show up right on the screen... It's sooo pastelly and vibrant at the same time. I guess this is one of those paintings you have to see in person. And it appears tiny on Instagram, too 😂 Acrylic on canvas, 60x60cm. L…

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Some portraits of the character selection screen... which one would you pick ?
Quelques portraits de l'écran de sélection de personnage ... lequel choisiriez-vous ?

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This tweet features scratch and sniff - try scratching your phone screen........

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Puts ‘s gorgeous sleepy noctis as my lock screen.... 💕💕💕

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