My take on Emma from the awesome game Sekiro 😍

🌙 Commissions - OPEN

20 42

More YvY I just love them, they cute.
Dibujando más , Kuro y Wolf son tan cukis, mi buen señor protegiendo a su mini lord ÚvU)/ eres un buen chico Wolf <33

75 172

"Great Shinobi Wolf"
Quick concept of how I imagine an older Sekiro, I might polish it in the future

309 1069

Wolf is too precious, and I'm emotionally overwhelmed by this game 😢

404 1078

"So the noble Shinobi stands in our way..."
Attempted to redraw one heck of an epic scene from Sekiro.
Hope I caught the atmosphere right

1 1


27 80


54 139


139 522

I've made a fanart of this fuckin' amazing game that is making me crazy and furious, but in love at the same time <3

512 1406


10 50

"Sin of the Father" accidental movie poster for o.o

22 47

-Beware of spoilers!- I haven't finished the game but there's one or two micro easter eggs in the drawing. So... I managed to finish this Sekiro fanart in my spare time, just dropping it!

92 290