画質 高画質

明日の私の分のお品書き~!!あわのさんと合同「Dear sensei!!!」でスペース取っております!

41 176

122p 『Sensei with Students!』
추가로 판매 예정입니다! https://t.co/EAp9GrmiH0

90 672

122p 『Sensei with Students!』
추가로 판매 예정입니다! https://t.co/zfnpCCIZcR

4 46

Thank you Toriyama Sensei 🫡

7 77

✨🎂HappyBirthday pako sensei ◦`v´◦)🎉🎈✨

453 2373

20p 『벚꽃놀이는 선생님과 함께!』
112p 『Sensei and Students!』
총 두권 판매할 계획입니다!

첫번째 책은 아직 공개하지 않은 내용의 짧은 단편만화입니다!
두번째 책은 SAS시리즈의 리터치가 들어간 모음집 만화입니다!

※인포는 시간을 두고 공지하도록 하겠습니다!※ https://t.co/YUyowFgh0y https://t.co/Te2VmD0SDg

160 846

RIP Toriyama sensei, I still have some old drawings from when I was young o7

9 76

Inspired, Learned, Grew by your creation.. Thank you and Goodbye.. Toriyama-sensei.

51 277

Thank you for teaching us to believe, Toriyama-sensei.

28 253

Thank you for everything Toriyama-sensei.
You made me fall in love with manga, inking and fantasy worlds.
You showed us funny stories and wonderful characters and worlds to explore. You motivated me to try harder.
I will always treasure this memory forever 🌹

38 175

Dear Toriyama-sensei
I still can’t believe it - I feel like you’ve always been present from my childhood and felt that you were immortal. Dragon ball has always made me excited and happy and I always admired everything about it.

Your creations were so so FUN!!

More than ever-

42 317

Thank you Toriyama sensei for sharing your inspiration and filling my childhood too

May you rest in peace, Legend 🙏🙏🙏 https://t.co/VIVEab01O5

423 2711

In memory of Akira Toriyama sensei
Dragon ball is one of anime that made me start drawing because fighting scene is very cool

thank you for your dedication and being great inspiration 🫡🫡

39 226

Whenever we'd go to japanese restaurants when I was a child, I wouldn't eat anything because they were all new to me.

But my mother knew how to get past that.

She'd give me a bowl of plain white rice and say


Thank you, Toriyama sensei, for everything

850 6759

Rest in peace to Akira Toriyama

I've grown up watching DBZ and Goku is the first anime character that I've drawn when i was in elementary school. We lost a legend. Rest well sensei.

0 12

Thank you for everything ,Toriyama sensei
I grow up drawing many characters from dragon ball
And you are one of many inspiration for me and my childhood
This is all I can do to give him a respected
Thank you for all your hard work

31 119

so, these guys have their ship's day too 😳??

Girls ran into Buggy-sensei at the signing event!

(🍶🤡Highschool AU)

147 1267


486 2671