I love shadow midas and if he isn't in the new set of cards on Tuesday I'm going to be very..very...um, disappointed 😁 I've waited tooooo long
but anyways i can't really draw so

2 13

«half in the shadows,
half burned in flames»

week one of 's – cursed
from @/onxsie' s render

wanted to redraw cus had better idea than previous

11 77

I drew Shadow Midas :D retweets appreciated 👉👈

(Please ignore the tattoos I could not be bothered drawing them accurately lmao)


7 11

I'm reallllyyy hoping for shadow midas to come out sometime this week, so I made this crappy drawing of him to manifest 🤗 that I'll most likely get embarrassed of and delete in the morning lol

8 34

Gonna do a Draw-Whatever-I-Wantober challenge for myself this month, so I started with a spooky Shadow Midas.

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I was lazy to draw the background well

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I miss the lil scary purple shadows. I started playing during this event. I didn't draw him as much as I kept redoing the same painting, so here's my shadow doodles and an unfinished sketch of a more ghostly shadow midas that I did.

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Shadow Midas in watercolours ☺️❤️

2 28


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(DriftxMidas)? His breath tastes like mint with water ❄️

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