oooooii Shadow and lime bab are hella cute! looks like lime had a nightmare again!

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Did I ever post this stupid comic I drew out after weird sleepy thought i had? No? Well then take it! 😂
Shadow not realising he's crushing and seeing Star as everyone around him👌

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I finally have designs for Shadow and Amy for my next gen Sonic AU. I just had this sitting somewhere.

5 30

I hope u guys like my shadow fanart he is my favorite maybe

1 1

Si algo así no pasa en la la tercera película, entonces no quiero nada
[Espero que se entienda el chiste]

23 103

I drew from memory! I was wrong on some parts and forgot some parts lol.

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More commission stuffs from an online facebook friend 💞💞

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"Corpse Groom/Shadisa Au"
Hasta que la muerte Los separe...

Algo que termine hoy y.... realmente me gustó mucho el resultado final y quise mostrárselo ~

6 32

Day 5- Lazer
I love this so much
They're so silly :D

3 4

BREAKING NEWS: Local god fudges up time travel. Becomes Dad.

Day 6: Different

7 35

Here a small preview of my next fanart. We don't see a lot lot about those two since sonic adventure 2. I wonder if Amy will be in the sonic movie 3.

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