me trainer and maractus!

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ShakaxAioria to get out it my system at once uwu the ship that never fails

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And the last of the season 8 fanfiction illustrations from 2000: First Minister Shakaar is replaced by his counterpart from the MU and Kira and Serina Tirek (yup, that's where my twitter name comes from) try to solve the conspiracy.

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The concept for my episode poster for was pretty easy to come up with. The hardest part was figuring out how many candidates to put on the ballot.

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SBME already has a manhua alshakaAKDHAKSHSKSJSKSJSJ IM HHHHHHHBHH❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Listed SimToonz 2.0 - Shakaal on
This cartoon of "Shakaal" is inspired by the Simpsons cartoon style.

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SHAKAAA IM CRYING AAAAAAA 💞💝💖💗💝💓💓💘💖💗💞💗💓 I love them sm my babies my skrunklys my blorbos my meow meows my precious beans
crying shaking throwing up sobbing my hearts so full i have them on my mind 24/7 💞💝💓💖💝💕💓💝💕💞💓💝💕💗💘💕💓💝💕💕💝💗💕 i love this sm <3

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Shaka jangan lupa istirahat sama minum air putih yang banyak.. you look so tired 🥺🥺 aku tau kalo lagi capek mau di semangatin berkali-kali juga gak guna, tapi.. istirahat dulu ya, don't push yourself, semoga cepat membaik, peluk jauh buat shakaaa

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Shakaaa, who are u thinking of?

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