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Sherlock Taylor, craftsman. What a nice ape.

7 68

Wow!!! I haven’t noticed that I’m a furry!!! It’s not like I tag my art as furry art and exclusively draw anthro animals and bought a Dino mask so I can make a fursuit head and have multiple fursonas and call myself a furry!! Ty for pointing it out Sherlock Holmes!! https://t.co/enoSO0iIu6

1 12

This is not Shadow!
This is Moriarty!
(Thx for mr Sherlock XDD)

0 1

Apoyemos a . Artista / Que nos regalo a nosotras y a los gordos dibujos iconicos.
Insta de Sherlock : https://t.co/mlA6ZBua42
( Seguir hilo y RT para ayudar a crecer a todas nuestras artistas 🥰 )

10 12

ไม่ได้หาย แค่ลืมลง😭

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i don’t have any new william art but i do have some old silly things and a sherlock to KISS HIM!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SILLY!!! 😊😊😊

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Edgar Allan Poe's "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" was first published in Graham’s magazine, April 1841. Many credit as being the world's first literary detective, but that distinction actually belongs to Poe's Mr. C. Auguste Dupin: https://t.co/Oy0aM8r1IL… 📷

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i confess i dont have any new art so here is an old liam and sherlock piece i never posted

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big sherlock on a big beach.........

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Hopping on the “fanart I drew of [a character] dying in a glue trap” trend with William and Sherlock, my loves <3

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buttercup liam and westley sherlock because im crazy .

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"This style suits you too Sherly"

It seems Sherlock's wants to see the reactions he gets from Liam when he wears different outfits.

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