Hi anime folks! I have no doubt there's been a lot of talk about SHINKANSEN HENKEI ROBO SHINKALION as of late with the reveal of yet another wild collaboration in the recent film! I thought I'd do an introductory thread for those who've only just heard about it!

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Hello Kitty is fighting along Amuro with the power of love in a GundamxHello Kitty collab and Hatsune Miku is fighting Godzilla in the new Shinkalion movie.
Just get into mecha everyone, you have no excuses.

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It’s Hatsune Miku vs. Godzilla in Shinkalion Anime Film Preview https://t.co/UiC4Y9ivVE

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For anyone who want to know, that anime movie is called Shinkalion: The Mysterious Fast ALFA-X From The Future

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Shinkalion is a anime about kids driving bullet trains that transform into robots
The show is famous for its collaboration with Hatsune Miku, Evangelion and Godzilla

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Though the anime Shinkalion started in 2018, Shinkalion actually already started as a toyline and a small manga series back in 2015.
While Tomica Hyper Series Next Stage, the predecessor of Drive Head, started in 2016.

So Drive Head can't be the prototype of Shinkalion

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パンケーキアートの作り方〜 新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン 東スバル Shinkalion Azuma Subaru

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It's the movie version of a anime series called Transformable Shinkansen Robot Shinkalion

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パンケーキアート〜 新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン 清洲リュウジ Shinkalion Kiyosu Ryuuji

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Dans le cadre de la sortie du film issu de la série Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion (新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン), une collaboration avec Galaxy Express 999 (銀河鉄道999) a été lancée.

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Seiryu's spin-off: Shikkoku No Shinkansen Henkei Robo Black Shinkalion

Shashot's spin-off: Shinkansen Shashō Robo Shashot

Shinkariser tokusatsu spin-off: Shinkansen Henshin Sentai Shinkariser the Tokusatsu

The early days of SUEI spin-off: Shinkalion the Origin

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