Shirou Ogami - BNA: Brand New Animal
He's hot wuff!

24 69

I swear this started as his human form but I couldn’t get the face right not a furry not a furry not a furry I find this anthro wolf character hot, haha April Fools! no I don’t, that’s crazy! ...unless

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Меховой волчара как сильны твои лапищи🐺

3 16

Ogami Shirou from Brand New Animals 😆

0 11

Just trying to learn another ways of shading. And why not doing it with Shirou Ogami? 🌟

11 43

< Sir >
警察版士郎 桑
Been imagine husbando in police suit

154 681

Loving this anime so far
Also new crush, oof

63 268

Desenhei o Shirou Ogami do anime BNA, recomendo, ta sendo um anime bem lgl até agr :))

8 30