First of my tips. The House Sparrow, top of last year's results. Help sparrow populations by planting, honeysuckle, hawthorn, beech and other native hedging in gardens

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Thank you to everyone who took part in last night’s This month’s image was quite tricky so I will post more entries once they are finished. Here is mine & ’s Fennec Fox. Mine took 160mins. I’m so proud of the participents 👏🏻

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Here are ’s, ’s, ’s and KowaIson’s

Well done guys 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Last nights was so much fun. I’m so proud of everyone. Each month you get more confident & more experimental. It is always my fav stream. Here are some of the blueberry from last night. More will follow when they are completed. Well done guys 👏🏻

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First rule of the never talk about the

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Here are some of the drawings created during June’s I love how differently the image was interpreted by each person. Thank you and for taking part.

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I have finally finished my drawing. The next sketch-a-long will be on Saturday 4th May. I hope you can join me for it.

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More great drawings from the 1st Thank you to everyone who took part and embraced it. I can’t wait until the next one.

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Here are some of the from last nights Aren’t they brilliant!

If you want to get involved but missed the stream you can still watch it & take part at Then tag your drawing with on social media

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Exhibit A: The first pubdraw sketchalong I did, of my dnd character. Wonky af, but I was pleased with it. 3/n

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Big Garden Birdwatch Sketchalong. A round up of sketches from the

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The No. 1 bird spotted in last year was the House Sparrow. Sit for an hour this weekend, count your birds, and take part in important project. Join in with my sketchalong too by tagging your bird sketches

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Little opossum studies done during a sketchalong for September's Sadly, did not have time to enter the free-for-all last month. Opossums are wonderful. <3

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Thanks to everyone who participated in this month's SketchAlong featuring the Check out all of the cute opossums that everyone drew!

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