
furry artist AND major Bethesda Skyrim fan ! Super excited for anything can can protect our works

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The art is her pre-vampirism, but my Argonian Baliska x Lucien Lachance from TES Oblivion. He still gets murdered but years later during the events of Skyrim she gets reunited with him finding that spell that summons his ghost in game.

I need more art showing that chapter.

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Couldn't find much ref online I like but hopefully these help. 2nd is my attempt at making her in skyrim which is pretty close to how i imagine her. Main things are, cute round face, button nose, large purple eyes, elf ears, and shes got horns curling round her ears. That enough?

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Rare crossover between Rhadamanth from Saint Seiya, Zoro from One Piece, the dovahkiin from Skyrim in his Daedra armor, Masamune Date from Sengoku Basara and the ghost of Zero from King of Fighter (if you recognized him)!

Splendid art by

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Painted over the Lydia I did a few months ago because seeing it in my sketchbook bothered me.

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I've officially made it to level 24 *queue Skyrim sound*
Very hyped about the upcoming projects I get to show y'all 👀

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Telvanni mage commission I finished today 🌱 Had a lot of fun and learned lots about drawing wrinkles cx Hope you like it~

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Thank you everyone for stopping by my stream tonight~! I made a brand new nostalgic Skyrim adventure~! Then i Dueled against chat today~! i got sent to the shadow realm a few times and thank you for the Raid please check out this fluffy bun meow't

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a commission of Skyrim character Mash.

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hi im fuuka and these r my video game related artworks 😈😈 i like project moon, league, valorant, fire emblem, splatoon and skyrim.. tbh i like playing any games!!! HI

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my skyrim elf, Lurra, and his flame atronach bestie. Lurra uses only magic bc weeapons are too intimate for him. he lives near Morthal even tho Morthal makes him miserable and he misses the dark, warm, radiant woods he comes from

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Momo for a person who gifted me Skyrim!
Momo Hinamori | 雛森桃

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Every time I practice drawing Veezara I just add more spikes lol

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Aegis x Teldryn in funny shirts hehehe

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"Oki I might be regretting this but what weapon shall I use for the Skyrim stream and if you want to recommend some armor mods but make sure it for playstation!

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