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I make an outfit for Blanket because she didn't have any clothes (not that she needed any because she is a slime)

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you're welcome!
Merry Slimey Xmas!🎄

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Here's a cameo by Akarislime from that one isekai YuruYuri spinoff

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For Kizna's fighting style, I inspired by Popeye. She can transform the emotions of her opponents into the power of her fists and transform them into different forms. And with slime, she can even defend against bullets!

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Dragon of flowers by @.HydroSlimeTofu
Replica code nya dari EU jadi sender bikin sendiri hehe (versi agak scuffed dikit) tehe!

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Saw something cutesy with a slime blob but it only triggered fear in me because of this fuck ass game

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Babu! CW // Spoiler Archon quest Fontaine

Sender dulu mikir kalau focalor ada tanduknya karena pakai teori archon == slime. Tapi sekarang sender mikir, jangan" tanduk di slime tuh ngegambarin focalor sebagai sinner/pendosa? Kaya devil gini -> 😈 Wdyt?

Sc gambar: (cont..)

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tehe! floor 11 skrg ngapa dikombo pyro slime + whopperflower yg ganas :( klo gini mending deketin whopperflower apa pyro slimenya ya

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"He slimed me..."
commission out of pile. ectoplasm can have strange effects :P

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Commwork done for @ slimey_frog ! 💚

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Not to let and injury keep me down, its Friday! Meaning that its an upload day! :3

Something simpler this time around featuring Lynette from Genshin, dealing with some sticky gooey slime stuff.

(Also an excuse to draw her without drawing most of her outfit. Boots evil tho >.>)

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