You should watch this new anime series
artwork by 妄想

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Appreciation post for these brief minimalist backgrounds in

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私が大好きな「スロウスタート」の母の日イラストが完成しましたっ💞💖(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ 葉月お母さんありがとうっ!!🌸🌺

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Let's remember one of the first anime we released at CloverWorks. is an anime about a shy, introverted girl who is starting a new life at a new school, making friends and growing up slowly. We enjoyed bringing this story to life. Which character did you like?

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好きなキャラは「#スロウスタート(千石冠) 」


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【スマ☆いら投稿 ドット絵編】

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The subreddit r/anime is hosting a rewatch of the adorable series Slow Start on February 20th, and I'm the featured artist! Every episode discussion will include a piece that I drew in celebration of the rewatch! ≧◡≦

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after learning about this, i'm convinced that Eiko *has* to be the Hisa x Mihoko child

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As the Slow Start rewatch progress, I'll be periodically posting the episode art here as well, so here is the art from the first 4 episodes! At the end of the rewatch, I'll upload all 14 (!) pieces to Pixiv as well! >.<

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Here is the next set of episode pieces I drew for episodes 5-8 of Slow Start! ≧◡≦

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Here are the final four drawings for episodes 9-12 for Slow Start! I'll be uploading one more piece tomorrow and then posting all 14 to my Pixiv >.<

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The Slow Start rewatch is officially complete! Here is the final piece I drew, as well as the link to the collection of all the pieces for the rewatch! >.<

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【スマ☆いら投稿 ドット絵編②】
はたまた本日は「#スロウスタート」より榎並 清瀬先生そして
「#がっこうぐらし!」より「佐倉 慈」先生の誕生日です!おめでとうございます!!🎉

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i legit just started watching slow start and i already know who my favorite character is.

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