re8 wouldn't give penny a sword so I decided to draw her with one >:)

34 300

finally! after all these years, Penny Snapcube has a Sword

0 4

just finished the peggle 2 vod and had a very good laugh, rts are nice :]

5 12

that peggle 2 final boss was different than i remember

2 5

it was brought up that ryan would be the clank to penny’s ratchet......and this image would not leave my brain.

0 10

I drew F.R.E.D from last night's stream! Laughed my ass off the entire time I watched XD

0 1

400000 reference photos for extremely difficult perspective later

the last one was a little ominous so have some friendly polaris :)

1 4

i can’t believe these cretins would say such a thing unu slander

3 17

Pebby snampcub
I want to do better fanart in the future, but I did this while practicing pixel art (which I’m not actually good at)
I hope this hashtag isn’t just for stream fanart-!
(If it is I’m very sorry—)

0 3

Hope y'all like neon! Here's Penny as Fetch, as featured in the inFAMOUS LP thumbnail!

40 363

Thought I'd draw art again, and I had lots of fun with this one! Love your streams as always <3

0 0

"There's a poster on the wall" doodle from last night's

10 117

Director Parker of the FBC, reporting for duty.

i had a blast watching play Control last night! (or what i caught of it; internet’s a bitch)

15 132

i cleaned up a sketch i did during the very first bugsnax stream :)

0 2

Caught the surprise stream tonight and was compelled to draw after witnessing the fuckery that was Penny playing the demo.

2 19

I binged all of Pennys videos today and the vibes were so immaculate that I was compelled to make this.
Thanks for the vibes, !

2 16

So glad I can finally catch a stream!!!! Here's my rendition of Penny and the rest of the ghost gang absolutely heckling in Among us. In his own words: Ryan is being such a Dramatic Bitch this stream and i LOVE IT.

38 219

fastest doodles ive ever done inbetween doing animatic shit !!! heres some penny (+ evil ryan) :3

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