画質 高画質

The dark version of the cute and happy-go-lucky oc of mine, Nikko. Still a work in progress

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Hhmm ca fait un moment que j’avais dessiné une squid bdsm mais je l’avais pas mit sur Twitter >.>

Pourquoi ? euh vous avez pas envie savoir 😅

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Late to the party but I wanted to try one with and 's and my Splatoon characters. :3


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Nouveau dessin !
Pour le thème du mois d'août de

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Finally done woth my inkling! Here's my precious little corala!!~ transparent and. Background/ will add this to my deviantArt As well.

Hope everyone likes it!

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For this drawing I had testing a photoshop feature for changing color.

maybe the result can be usefull to some of you !

witch color do you love the most ? 💕

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「매일 밤 동화 같네요
오늘 밤도 내겐 선물인 걸
Oh 내가 Oh 내가
너의 발맞출게」


I get easily inspired by songs 😊❤️ have been listening to 별빛이 피면 on repeat hahaha! drew mine and 's kyoot ship ✨

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Some WIP stuff and quick finished stuff 💕 ( the 3rd one is my oc )

Also again a happy birthday to my B.B. 🧡💎🧡

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Art trade that I did. Honestly I need to draw cute characters more often.

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That's a sad nyges. Sad because he has no friends to ever play sploon with but oh well. (just a quick doodle of my inkling)

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