画質 高画質

-Commissioned Work-
Guys, she said YES!!
...She looks Gorgeous in her Wedding Dress!😍🥹

143 979

Left is how normal people see the sprite right is how i do😗

212 1000


6 52

i sketched ingrid as SSBU sheik!

thanks for the c0mm, ! my good friend

18 93

Ya descubrí de que ese supuesto bug corrompe partidas de Pokémon Escarlata y Purpura es una mentira y un engaño como el supuesto bug corrompe partidas de SSBU con la Planta Piraña.

0 2

Entonces, ¿ el bug corrompe partidas de la version 1.2.0 de SV es una mentira o engaño después de todo? Cuando se reporto el bug corrompe partidas de la Planta Piraña de SSBU, paso el tiempo y nunca volvieron a hablar de eso.

0 0


126 449

Mermaid Zelda
Commissioned by
Thank you! 🧜‍♀️

845 4581

I have pleeeeeeenty of them 😁 Let’s go with Fire Emblem/SSBU !!!

5 8

Eye movement and lots of of expressions also successfully added. LOVE this skin sooo much. 🖤🖤🖤

50 333

I have another question I'd like to ask, especially to my audience. Which main outfit of Wario's do you prefer best out of his standard overalls and his WarioWare biker garb?

For me, I prefer the overalls, to the point where I always play as him wearing them in SSBU.

4 21


( SSBU:Zelda )

742 3746

走れ!高速のずんだマック!!【ずんだもんは実況初心者】【SSBU/スマブラSP/リトルマック】part5 https://t.co/m9Su4ut24w より

0 1