Posting and sharing this cover of Mona # 2.
To motivate and hopefully pressure myself to finish the book within the year.
2 issues in one. 50++ pages, perfect binding.
Cover price might still change so please don't worry!

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Happy 94th Birthday, Mr.
Inspired by Mr. Frazetta's painting for Mad Max and mixed with a little bit of Screaming For Vengeance.

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Ah yes, the flag jackets and wrestling.
It's loud, it's obnoxious and it screams 'Murica at the top of its lungs!
I eff'n love it!

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New Drakuline panels are up!
Uploaded at a much later time to make way for everyone's book hauls and post-con celebrations.

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Do you remember?
The 27th night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders.
While chasing the clouds away.

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"Claiming sanctuary" was a medieval practice for criminals on the run. Doing so would give criminals temporary protection from the law provided that they are within the confines of a church.

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