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I loved hearing Pika talk about the seasons, how excited she'd be when the konbini or Starbucks gets the pumpkin-themed treats during the Fall. Autumn was always my favorite season. 🍂
- 9/10/2020

59 368

✰ ze's convincing it to go to starbucks 🖤🐧⛓️🤎⭐️🤍🧸🧋✰

43 115

The new Starbucks Odyssey stamp (NFT) is due to drop in 4 hours.

Their last stamp is currently priced at $1,495 for a 5k collection.

Are you poised to capitalize on this next 2k limited edition?


7 25

GM to all! ☕️ In honour of the Stamp drop today 🤙 here is a special little piece!

are doing amazing things with a global brand like Starbucks to create and bridge experiences and communications between brand and consumer using blockchain tech! 👏

10 60

Hello Diel! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Sorry for the bots :(
I would love to draw Edgar un a Starbucks apron ❣️

Our prices here: https://t.co/j53xddU3yn 🌚

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Daily Dose of Cashmere

Day 9 - Frapuccino (I'm addicted to Starbucks help)

14 100

スターバックス コーラ フラペチーノ/クリーミー & スイート ミルクコーヒー

4 44

neeko at starbucks!! what is she getting???

229 1522

ummm i dont think there are any pre existing characters from shows that melody gets compared to. however i have gotten many many comments that she looks like a starbucks worker (and tbh i can see it . thats my fault) also this info kind of outdated https://t.co/gdjhJK9OsL

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Ey ey divirtanse con mi ilustracion🎨🧋👍 de los delicioso q son los 😊👌

6 59

by gods i am so curious, i only know the cup sizes from starbucks 😭

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coming to you live from this Starbucks line it’s dreaming while underwater!!! https://t.co/imcgg15OBv

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Reposting cuz i wanna post this pic too :7 oops! But get me sum starbucks and i will draw u stuff ! https://t.co/9EieiS8Y7y

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GM GM………Who’s getting Starbucks?

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Super pumped that the I revealed is holding a coffee that very much resembles a Starbucks cup.

How fitting for me! Officially along for the ride. .

17 82

Low effort Akane possessed by the milk devil. Spent 3 hours on a different drawing and just couldn’t get it to work. So I said fuck it and cranked out this. Might improve/do another drawing of the Starbucks meme.

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