spent some time drink&draw style with - referenced from breath of the wild

31 325

I tried doing a study in values and then applying gradient mapping for this time’s session😅

3 36

1hour "i bring anime" study 😂 I'd love to continue it later on, actually!!

1 32

! This time I tried to paint Keanu Reeves.

2h-ish study, lots of fun.

1 45

I did two pieces for today [the grey piece first then the lady with the roses] since I didn't want to spend an hour rendering a full background ;u;b
Practicing comp and value blocking in particular

0 35

Finally found some time to join again, here’s some Blue the Dino boi!

4 30

First study back in a long while here's a big fish

4 29

a BIG BOI for tonight's ✌️

9 130

I can't make tonight but how could I resist at least doing a screen study based on the theme alone?!

3 59

Hour and a half study from Moana for
Went for an easier one this time, so I could focus on eating ice cream

6 107

4hr master study of a William-Adolphe Bouguereau painting

1 16

Didn't get as far as I hoped because this face was killing me

6 53

perhaps eyeballing perspective with no ruler or pencil sketch is a bad idea

1 18

2hr master study. Very loose, was trying to focus mostly on exaggerating colours and colour harmony.

1 34