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I’m Brittany, I’m a freelance artist. I love designing tattoos a lot and art makes me happy

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Facial hair☑️

They’re gonna love each other.

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Here's Bakugou with piercings/tattoos

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Baby bats are the cutest thing ever! Might do a series of grumpy goth bats just because they're such cute little buggers.

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bakutodo week day 3: tattoo

i'm late but in my defense the tattoos killed me & my hand

done for with heavy influence and inspiration pulled from my beautiful gf 's gorgeous fic she wrote for this day (https://t.co/EOjvR5eriD ) ✨✨

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tatted up kook wearing a tiddies OUT look 🤙🏼💘

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Quick design of my character, Baretta. She’ll have more tattoos at some point. why not

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Finished the walk and added some color. Just missing the tattoos

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Nathan Drake by David Puerta.

Share your own cosplay, fan art, screenshots, tattoos, and more here: https://t.co/rkNPoijX25

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i offer an eldritch tainted thaumaturge in this trying time (the tattoos on her arms have no real design even after all these years, just go nuts if you want)

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Let me design your tattoos 🙏🏻

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By popular vote, more sea grunks and their magical tattoos! 1/3

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The hashtag is too good to ignore if we're talking childhood crushes. I was fully convinced I was going to marry Kai, and told my friends' parents all about it. There was just something about a kid with face tattoos I guess... 😂

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yeyyy ;u;; this is Jack! (he normally has a bunch of tattoos, but ignore that;;)

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Just throwin' these Adds here.....I realized i forgot the tattoos on DB...whatev hahahahaa

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