More or less finished participating in contest with my redesign of the Teostra bow. Could have done better...

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Une mise à jour gratuite de contenu pour sera disponible cet été. Au programme : Teostra, Kushala Daora et Rajang.

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Though Teostra are one of the most common Elder Dragons, Lunastra are surprisingly rare. Compared to Teostra, chances of seeing a Lunastra are quite slim. It's unknown why Lunastra are so rare compared to their male counterparts.

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[Fan Art - Study] Monster Hunter - Teostra (テオ・テスカトル - Teo Tesukatoru)

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So like, that new trailer where Teostra and Nergigante duke it out kinda got me thinkin'...

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Another quick, rough fan art 💙 Teostra is so badass. I can't help but be even more excited after hearing most recent news! So glad to see old favourites return.

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Faced Teostra and this is what came to mind-

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Teostra!why not his wife Lunastra?

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A casual stroll.

Hey Teo! How are things with your girl Lunastra? .... Ok...ok...I understand the silence and evil stare.

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I haven't drawn Stratos in a while and I really wanted to draw her in her Monster Hunter World iteration! Mix of Nergigante, Vaal Hazak, and Dober armor (And a tiny bit of the Teostra Arx Switch Axe) + u + I had a lot of fun with this sketch _( :3 /Z)_

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So now we have teostra. I HATED fighting this

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I said ‘ drah-KAH-ris ’ then he failed the tempered Teostra quest.
What a coincidence! (*´ω`*) ( Season 8 GOT… I can hardly wait! )

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I may be able to hit him. I’m gonna get his tail and gem. 😇

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Derpy jagras + a couple of elder dragons. I only have enough space on the canvas to do xeno jiiva and teostra in~ stay tuned next weekend. Maybe.

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Teostra the Infernal. In honor of the Spring Blossom Festival I decided to do a painting of the fearsome Teostra. Happy Hunting and relish the moment!
High Res Image:

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Teostra is easy for me to remember because Eostra was main villain in a book I have :d

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This is the Teostra I finished last week, I really liked how his face turned out, I added a bit of blue flames in front of his mouth to show that the fire inside him burns so much hotter.
High Res Image: .

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